
This is the avatar I made for my brother, Stephen. I made him like this because he is awesome. He also likes Captain America. Avatars are fun to make.  If you want to make your own avatar go to http://mrscampagna.edublogs.org and go to the post called student blogging challenge week 1.  If you click avatar builder 3 you can make a Lego avatar. If you click 1 or 2 it is something weird. If you click avatar builder 4 it takes you to build your wild self. If you click avatar builder 5 it goes to doppelme which is also weird. If you click avatar builder 6 it brings you to it brings you to a Lego one too. Comment back:)

Part 1 of The Scarecrow

Hi, I know a girl named Isabella and she lives in a farm in the country with 5 animals and a horse. The country is big, lonely and has lots of grass. The farm is tiny and has lots of hay  One day Isabella’s crow flew away because he was too old. Isabella was sad even though she had 5 more animals. The animals were also really sad. Isabella rode her horse named Bullet around the farm and saw a scarecrow every time she passed. When she was almost done Bullet sped up and ran into the scarecrow. Isabella got knocked off the horse, when it ran into the woods. Isabella thought that she might lose all of her animals because she has 4 left. She got mad at the scarecrow and the scarecrow was trying to say sorry and I’ll help you look for him. Isabella was too loud to hear the scarecrow though.

If you want to figure out what happens read part 2 of The Scarecrow.

The Burger and the donut

Once upon a time there was a burger. He met a donut. They went to a park. They swung on the swings almost the whole time. Then they went to Duncan Donuts and that is where the donut was born. They ordered 5 donuts so they could eat 3 and have 2 babies. Then they went to Burger King and that is where the burger was born. They ordered 2 milkshakes and three burgers. 1 milkshake to share and the other to have a baby. 2 burgers to eat and 1 baby. THE END. This story was also made by Caleb in second grade. I hope you like my story… (read the burger and the ice cream if you liked this story)

The Giant Donut Story

Once upon a time there was a tiny donut but then he ate and became a huge donut. He was stomping on houses, scaring people and chasing people. Some one dialed the number to call a superhero named Jonathan Clark. He was looking for the huge donut. The huge donut was right behind him! He pushed down Jonathan and said “tag your it”. THE END This story was also made by Caleb in second grade. I hope you like my story.



If You Give a dog bread

If you give a dog bread he’ll want jelly to go with it. When you give him the jelly, he’ll have a jelly fight. When he’s finished he’ll end up at the T.V. You’ll have to turn it on for him. He’ll see someone eating jelly. He’ll ask for some, and chances are if you give jelly he’ll ask for bread to go with it.

TH END p.s. This was made by Caleb in second grade. I hope you like my story.

From, Caleb

Guinea Pigs

Hello,Starburst and smore

This is Caleb and this weekend I got to take home my class pet S’more. This is why my teacher named him S’more because he is black for the chocolate on his bottom and before it reaches his eyes, white for the marshmallow in between the black and brown for the gram cracker on his eyes. I also have a guinea pig named Starburst. He is brown and white but my siblings didn’t name him Starburst for any reason. My family thinks that Starburst is a girl but we don’t know. S’more is a boy and he is way fatter than Starburst. They both like the same food witch is fruits and vegetables. You hold S’more differently then Starburst. S’more likes Starburst but Starburst doesn’t like S’more at all. My sister thinks that S’more is spoiled when she saw her cage because it is bigger then Starburst’s cage. I think that guinea pigs are cute and fun to play with. I hope you like my post and please comment back:)